Employee Self-Service - manage staff rosters: record events

Return to Manage Staff Rosters for other sections of the roster guidance.

Return to HR Self-Service user guides webpage for links to alternative HR Self-Service guidance.

6.b. Manage staff rosters (participating departments only)

Roster functionality is currently available to participating departments only

  • To see if you are part of this pilot refer to our dedicated webpage or contact your local HR team/contact for more details.

Online training and guidance

  • Full guidance is detailed below.  Roster Managers can also complete the Roster Events eLearner at any time.

3. Record events in a roster

A. Record new event

To record events (eg a staff training day) follow the steps below.  Please note rostered staff will not see these events.

  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
  4. Click into the whitespace directly between the date and the first person's roster (see below as an example for Friday 28th).    
roster event
  1. The Event Diary screen opens.
  2. Click Add Event.
  3. The Add Event screen opens.
  4. From the 1. Details section record the following:
Field (*mandatory) Description
Title* Enter a suitable title describing the event, eg "customer service training".
Event Description* Enter additional details for your reference.
Start Date* Enter start date of event.
End Date* Enter end date of event.
All Day Event If it's an all day event, slide toggle ON. The Start and End time fields will disappear. 
Start Time* If required, record specific start time. 
End Time* If required, record specific end time.


  1. Navigate to the 2. Access section.
  2. Ensure the Access toggle is ON.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Return to the roster by selecting Workforce Management in the breadcrumb.

B. Edit/ delete new event

  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
  4. Click on the Event.
  5. The Event Diary screen opens.
  6. Click the corresponding ellipsis.
  7. To edit an event:
    1. Select Edit.
    2. Make necessary changes.
    3. Click Save
  8. To delete an event:
    1. Select Delete .
    2. Click Yes to the message
  9. Return to the roster by selecting Workforce Management in the breadcrumb.

Log into HR Self-Service

You must be on the University's network / VPN



Have a query or an issue?

  1. Check the relevant user guide
  2. Visit the FAQs and Troubleshooting pages
  3. Still having problems? Contact your local HR administrator for help.