4. Record attributes against a person
A. Assign attribute to a person on a long-term basis:
For example, record that an individual will be a first aider every time they work for two years.
- Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
- If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
- Extend column to make a note of the relevant individual's appointment ID and job title.
- Click on the person and select Person Attributes.
- Click 'Add'.
- Select the Appointment (see step 3).
- Select the required Attribute from the list.
- Enter the required Start Date.
- Enter the required End Date (if it's indefinite, leave blank).
- Click Save.
B. Assign attribute to a person for one shift only:
For example, record that an individual will be a key holder next Wednesday only.
- Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
- If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
- Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
- Hover your cursor over the relevant shift (for the required person) and select Change Roster.
- Select the required Attribute from the list.
- Click Save.
C. Update the Roster view to include attributes:
If it would be helpful to see the attributes on the roster, follow steps below:
- Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
- If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
- Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
- Click the Filter option (see below).
- Ensure the Roster Roll Up toggle is ON.
- From the 'Extra Display Item*' list, select Attributes.
NB: you can only choose one display item on the roster in addition to the shift start and end time.
- Click Apply.