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Vice-Chancellor’s Council Update: 17 March meeting
Shaping the future together
Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's message for the end of Hilary term 2025
Vice-Chancellor's Awards: 2025 shortlist
Oxford’s new Public and Community Engagement with Research Strategy
University Mental Health Day 2025: Reflections on Thriving at Oxford
What the OpenAI collaboration means for you
Oxford: rise in World Reputation Rankings
Vice-Chancellor’s Council Update: 10 February meeting
Professor Sue Iversen (1940–2025)
Environmental sustainability and the humanities perspective
Investing in our people
Vice-Chancellor’s Council Update: 20 January meeting
Reflecting on our financial position
The Academic Career and Reward Framework's 2025 ambitions
Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's message for the start of Hilary term 2025
Growing good governance at Oxford
Oxford in winter: your photos
Digital strides
University’s Annual Report and Accounts published
Vice-Chancellor’s Council Update
Your questions answered: Conference of Colleges
Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's message for the end of Michaelmas term 2024
Accessing your eVisa for UK visa holders
New Statutory Professors welcomed at Oxford
Pay & Conditions: making progress
Reimagining our professional services at a time of change
The Oxford–Berlin Research Partnership
Transforming our People and Finance Services
Vice-Chancellor’s Council Update
How risk, compliance and assurance underpin academic excellence
What is research culture and what are we doing about it
Everyone Belongs: Collegiate University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Plan launches
Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's start of Michaelmas term 2024 message
Adventures in Consciousness
Reflections on this year’s Professional Services Conference
Appointments made to senior professional services roles
Peace vigil
A framework fit for the future of education and research at Oxford
Find out more about our Estate Services teams
Improving Wi-Fi across the University
National Postdoc Appreciation Week Celebrations 2024/25
Oxford Guide 2024/25
Professional Services Conference 2024
Recent violence and unrest: support for staff and students
Saïd's Olympic success stories
Foodies Festival: staff discount 2024
University response to the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act
Powering up your performance and potential
Outcomes of the University's Pay & Conditions review
Oxford Interfaith Friendship Walk
Building on our access and participation progress
Celebrating ten years of the Temporary Staffing Service
Keeping Oxford Secure
Vice-Chancellor's message to staff and students about the situation in Gaza
Making AI a reality for everyone at Oxford
Oxford’s LGBTQI Task and Finish Group
Oxford marks first anniversary as University of Sanctuary
Announcing the winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards 2024
The changing face of research support
Exploring Oxford's GLAM sites
First objects move into Collections Teaching and Research Centre
Improving Wi-Fi at the collegiate University
Developing a new Academic Career & Reward Framework
Staff profile: Dr Fiona Whitehouse
Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's start of Trinity term 2024 message
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report 2022–23
Help shape the employee experience at Oxford
The future of digital training at Oxford
Chancellor: changes to election process
Wellbeing focus groups to inform student support services
Celebrating the difference that professional services staff are making
Five things you can do for Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024
Preparing for our digital leap
Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's end of Hilary term 2024 message
University to adopt online research ethics application system
Oxford Kafka 2024: campaign to celebrate the life and legacy of Franz Kafka
Pay & Conditions: next steps
Sustainable triumphs: Green Initiatives at Oxford
The History of Science Museum celebrates its centenary
Lord Patten announces his retirement as Chancellor of the University
Bullying and Harassment: Pilot of Report + Support tool
Growing our colleagues’ digital competencies
Let's talk about finances
Helping our staff develop and thrive
Pay & Conditions review update
The Vice-Chancellor's Colloquium on Climate
Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's start of Hilary term 2024 message
PhotOx photography society – sign up for Hilary term sessions
Resolved to improve your fitness in 2024?
Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's end of term message
Academic Career and Reward Framework project
AI in Oxford: experiments, tools and ways of working
Oxford University secures £10k funding from Nominet for the charity Asylum Welcome
Analysing our Professional Services
Pay & Conditions: Committee Chair's update
Pay & Conditions: pay benchmarking and reward policies and procedures workshop
The Confident Manager series
Pay & Conditions: Investment in people workshop
Reducing our energy usage this winter and beyond
Men’s Health Awareness Month
Academic Writing Month 2023
Navigating our digital future
Pay and conditions: benefits workshop
Transcript: video message from the Vice-Chancellor
USS Q&A: why are they consulting?
What is University Bulletin
Insights and actions from this year’s Staff Experience Survey
Vice-Chancellor acts on homelessness
Oxford Research File Service (RFS) available for storing your live research data
University of Oxford eDocuments service
Achievements of our professional services staff
Celebrating Excellence in Teaching
What is the Gazette?
Pay & Conditions: benchmarking workshop
Keeping Oxford secure: what we can all do to protect the University from cyber threats
National Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023
Message from the Vice-Chancellor: Professor David Gann
Attend the 2023 Professional Services Conference
Pay & Conditions: professional services pay benchmarking workshop
Vernal Scott appointed Head of the Equality and Diversity Unit
Fire & Wire: wellbeing in the workplace
Freedom of speech and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion rights
Meet the Chair of the Pay & Conditions Committee
Reflections on the past academic year
Taking a new approach to attracting talent
Change to IT Regulations to prevent blanket email forwarding
Long-term plans agreed for UAS Space
Supporting Oxford’s technical staff
Wellbeing at Oxford: our progress so far
Language Centre to integrate with the Department of Continuing Education
Developing plans for the future of the University estate
Working together in uncertain times
Developing the future of assessment
People teams in a changing world of work
International Museum Day 2023
Learn, discover, inspire: using CI to reduce everyday frustrations – register now!
Change to IT Regulations to prevent blanket email forwarding
New appointment: University’s Local and Global Engagement Officer
Sackler: relationship review
We're all transforming
Launch of new accessible document templates for GAAD 2023
Celebrating Learning at Work Week
Working together to plan for the unexpected
University response to the situation in Sudan
Making Oxford a welcoming community for refugees
Bone density screening for staff
Taking part in the University’s decision-making processes
How you use the University’s VPN service changed on 26 April
Oxford's Research Collaboration Values
Supporting our staff and students in Trinity term
Winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Professional Services Awards 2023 announced
University VPN service upgrade
Fire & Wire: the Vice-Chancellor's new podcast
15% off Blenheim Fun Run this May
Oxford’s professional services: taking a strategic view
Wadham: widening participation through partnerships
Living and working with endometriosis
What’s happening at Begbroke?
Oxford's digital future
Supporting Oxford-wide careers
Green Action Week: Professor EJ Milner-Gulland
Delivering positive environmental action
How to decarbonise a university
Wolfson's ground-breaking zero carbon project
University response to the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
Oxford Lit Festival 2023: prize draw and discounts
Security update for Microsoft Authenticator app used for MFA
Alex Vincent on the contribution of the humanities
Shortlist announced for VC's Professional Services Awards
Being for Beginners - insight, space and practical tools for staff
Ensuring Oxford’s education is digitally fit for the future
Meet our new Chief Diversity Officer
Bone density screening for staff
New Open Access Publications Policy
Welcome to our new Vice-Chancellor
Happy green New Year
Winter and wellbeing
Seasonal staff photo page
Switching off for Christmas
Focus Service Review: next steps for the HR grading service
How we've responded to your feedback about communications at Oxford
Oxford welcomes this year's incoming Statutory Professors
Shared experiences: hidden disabilities
Advent of Reading and Writing Innovation
Protecting Oxford’s financial health
Rotimi Akinsete: one year in as Director of Student Welfare and Support Services
Using my experiences to break down barriers
The impact of giving
Dell Black Friday deals for staff and students
'We will start from the perspective of the audience'
AcWriMo 2022: Academic Writing Month
Being for Beginners: workshops to improve wellbeing in life and work
Be energy friendly: reducing usage and accelerating energy saving initiatives
Building for a digital future
Winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Education Awards 2022 announced
What if you were asked to save the world?
Join the OUP Orchestra
Moving forward in Medical Sciences
Dyslexia Awareness Week 2022 - 5 ways to learn about dyslexia and improve your own reading and writing
Help shape staff communications at Oxford
Research Culture at Oxford: improving research practices and supporting research careers
University of Oxford appoints first Chief Diversity Officer as Race Equality Strategy launched
Diversity and Inclusion Series: Mary Adeyemo
Join a sustainability scheme: Green Impact and LEAF welcome new teams this academic year
Menopause: the last taboo
Arrangements for Monday 19 September
Oxford Railway Station work cancelled this weekend
Book of Condolence
Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance
The passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
The Queen and the University
Professional Services Conference: Professional Services Together
Celebrating MPLS colleagues and their success
Senior professional services staff join the University
Oxford’s Foodies Festival - 25% discount
Oxford Lit Festival: prize draw and discounts
Oxford Guide 2022
Digital education: foundations for the future
Expanding communities of practice at Oxford
Diversity & Inclusion series – celebrating our strengths as a community
Winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Environmental Sustainability Awards 2022 announced
2022–23 pay award for non-clinical staff
Extreme heat warning: advice for staff
Changes to the Employer Justified Retirement Age policy
New policy for University business travel coming soon
Oxford staff communications survey – results
Join the Oxford Botanic Garden’s 400th anniversary celebrations
National rail strike: advice for staff
Focus on quality
Supporting innovation at Oxford
Behind the hoardings: update on University building projects
Building on our Pandemic Experiences: Isobel Hughes
Fusing opportunities with philanthropy
Building on our Pandemic Experiences: Professor Sir Martin Landray
Focus: change and Continuous Improvement at the University
Staff benefits: Oxford days out
Assessing our progress on Access
Building on our Pandemic Experiences: Angela Unsworth
EveryDaySafe: towards a new safety culture – together
International Museum Day: 18 May 2022
EveryDaySafe Open Forum
Professor Irene Tracey nominated as the next Vice-Chancellor
Diversity in University governance
Professor Patrick Grant blogs on the upcoming REF 2021 results
The Race Equality Consultation and Strategy
A mind for the brain
Building on our pandemic experiences
Bone density screening: 14 June
New Ways of Working Update
Staff wellbeing and reward
The wonders of Wytham Woods
New Highway Code rules aim to make walking and cycling safer
Staff discounts
Focus launches e-learning across the University
Professional Services Together: developing a shared approach
Staff discount: Entry to Blenheim 7k Fun Run on 15 May
Staff offer: Park & Ride £1
World Autism Awareness Day: 2 April
Digital transformation at Oxford: the ideas platform is live
Brain Awareness Week: 14–17 March
Staff discount: Varsity Rugby Match tickets
University receives planning permission for the new Humanities building
Anne Trefethen reflects on digital transformation at Oxford
Deaths in service: Ellen Moilanen and Ling Felce
Reflections on becoming Chair of the Conference of Colleges
Staff Benefits: shared parental leave and pay
Gender equality: Jennifer Chapin
Oxford Lit Fest: volunteers
Oxford University’s Economic Impact
Bone density screening 14 June
Focus: beyond the pandemic
LGBT+ History Month: the transformation of Dr Clara Barker
New University building projects
Professor Anne Trefethen: Digital Transformation Open Forum
Check your bookmarks to UAS websites
Announcement from the Vice-Chancellor
Enter the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards 2022
LGBT+ History Month
The changing face of COVID-19 and what it means for Oxford
Tim Power, new Head of Social Sciences Division
Bodleian Libraries Strategy 2022-2027
Launch of new staff bike scheme
Professor Patrick Grant: review of health and safety
Opportunity Oxford
Apprenticeships in 2022: Looking ahead
Sports discounts for staff
Life as an intern in the communications team: a student's perspective
Announcement from the Vice-Chancellor
Announcement from the Vice-Chancellor
Supporting staff wellbeing in 2022
Expense claims now online
Bry's Diaries (part two)
New Year Honours 2022
Oxford University RFC vs England U20s
Amid COVID-19: reflections on the Health Campaign
Bry's Diaries (part one)
Explaining UK migration policy and data as a foreigner
Highlights of our charitable activities
Rising to the ClimateTech and Sustainability Challenge
Supporting our academic mission
Grounded and sensible
Oxford life – working and living with a disability
Picturing Parkinson’s
Give As You Earn
Employer Justified Retirement Age (EJRA) review
Staff benefits: University nurseries
Dr David Johnson: an academic journey
Implementation of the 2021 pay award - clinical consultants
Update: New Ways of Working and HR priorities
Oxford University Elsevier (ScienceDirect) Deal
Help us address race equality at Oxford
Graham Ingram: protect yourself from cybercrime
Chris Thorogood: Oxford Botanic Garden
A personal note from Professor Brenda E Stevenson
Delighted and distracted
Mandatory Information Security and Data Privacy Awareness Training
Changing opinions about Maths, with 'Tom Rocks Maths'
Maths: life hacks
Oxford Lit Fest: autumn programme
Oxford University contributes £15.7 billion to the UK economy
Staff benefits: cycling
History of Science Museum launches Collections Online
Introducing the Hillary Rodham Clinton Chair of Women's History
Supporting our students, now and in the future
The evolution of the BME Staff Network
Forming new University spinouts
Building a 21st-century estate
Innovation: the world needs more Oxford talent
Interdisciplinarity, collaboration and why the past matters
Nominating Committee for the Vice-Chancellorship
Insight: Professor Anne Trefethen on staff benefits
Returning to on-site working with environmental sustainability in mind
Collecting COVID
Appointments made to senior professional services roles
Professor Chris Conlon: health guidance for the new term
Welcome back message: Professor Patrick Grant
2021-22 pay award for non-clinical staff
Public Engagement with Research Seed Fund 2021
Professional Services Conference: Professional Services of the future
New ways of working and environmental sustainability
A ship in the storm: sponsoring the Canvas programme during the pandemic
400th Anniversary of the founding of Oxford Botanic Garden
HR Director Julian Duxfield: supporting our carers
Green spaces, gardens, libraries and museums
Joining the University during lockdown
New network Oxford Cancer launches
Reflections on the Oxford at Home Series
Free accessibility webinars this summer
Miles Young Warden of New College
Join Oxford's football tournament this summer
The impact of COVID-19 on our professional lives
10-year review of the employer-justified retirement age (EJRA)
Oxford University ‘highly commended' at the Higher Education Continuity Network (HEBCoN) awards
Opening Oxford to the World, 1871–
Conversations on Race Discussion Series
Oxford University academics recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours
Dr Frances Colles: interdisciplinary research
Professor Patrick Grant: the research landscape
Pick Your Own Path!
National pay award: clinical staff 2021
University of Oxford to launch Pandemic Sciences Centre
Professor Jonathan Wolff: the moral nature of the pandemic
Our Mental Wellness: Bullying and Anxiety
Reconnect with an outdoor event in the new marquee in the Parks
Apprenticeship Expo Week 2021
Personal active travel planning
Returning to the classroom, and looking to the future
University of Oxford takes home 'Apprenticeship Employer of the Year' Award
Thank You Board – 100 Thank Yous
Connecting you with nature
Dr Chris Thorogood: the importance of plants
Message from the Vice-Chancellor: Professor Karen O'Brien
Wellbeing resources
USS: Back to Basics Webinar 2
Women Making History: Shaping Oxford's Next Century
New IT courses available for Trinity term
Mental Health Awareness Week 2021
New Ways of Working survey summary
University Apprenticeships Expo: Sign up now!
Professor Anne Trefethen: Race Equality Task Force and Staff Experience Survey
USS: Back to Basics Webinar 1
Sustainable Photographer of the Year Contest 2021
Update: Department for Continuing Education
Gender Pay Gap: 2021 Report
Duke of Edinburgh: book of condolences
Professor Jonathan Michie, Director of the Department for Continuing Education
USS valuation: UUK launches consultation with employers
Why test students and staff who are asymptomatic for COVID-19?
Council Matters: update from the March 2021 meeting
A panel discussion and Q&A – The Launch of the Research Staff Hub
Dr David Prout: the Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Removal of disused bikes underway across Oxford
Increase to the Oxford Living Wage
Apprenticeship Expo – Save the date!
New Ways of Working
Gill Aitken: the University's 'roadmap' out of lockdown
Multi-factor authentication is now live
New Sustainability Strategy adopted
USA, Chile and Peru interim trial data show Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is safe and highly effective
Announcement from the Vice-Chancellor regarding the Head of the Social Sciences Division
Dr Sarah Bauermeister: mental health and COVID-19
Professor Cecilia Lindgren appointed Director of the Big Data Institute
Dr Saira Shaikh: delivery of education & student services
Council Matters: update from the February 2021 meeting
Update from Childcare Services
Devices4Schools – donating unwanted devices
Richard Ovenden: keeping Oxford reading
Professor Jonathan Michie: role change
Fairtrade Fortnight 22 February to 7 March 2021
Professor Anne Trefethen: USS pension update
Dr Jamie Hartmann-Boyce: from English literature to the science of e-cigarettes
Professor Gavin Screaton: tackling the pandemic
COMING SOON – Coaching Professional Apprenticeship
Adapting our access programme for the pandemic
Rollout of Multi-Factor Authentication on all Oxford SSO accounts has begun
Your letters to the senior team
National Apprenticeship Week 2021: 8 – 14 February
City Council approves planning application for new Life and Mind Building
Update from Professor David Gann CBE, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Development and External Affairs)
£100 million donation from Ineos to fight antimicrobial resistance
Professor Chris Conlon: testing the University
RECOVERY trial: the race to find treatments for COVID-19 patients
TOTUM Discount card
Staff wellbeing - free online sport for staff
Live Oxford at Home talk: Terrorist Macbeth
New Year Honours 2021
Update: arrangements for return after the Fixed Closure Period
Senior Leader Apprenticeship with Oxford Brookes University
Health Communications Working Group
Oxford's COVID-19 vaccine trial volunteers
Professor David Mant: COVID-19 Early Alert Service (EAS)
Return to On-Site Working
University of Oxford highlights of 2020
Update from the Hilary and Trinity Coordination Group
Health Communications feedback: You Said – We Did
Apprenticeship Development Group – volunteers needed
Oxford coronavirus vaccine update
Reflecting on Michaelmas term
Brexit update
Dr David Prout: financial update
SharePoint Online goes live
Update: new online expense claims system
Oxford University podcast returns with History of Pandemics season
An Oxford vaccine for the world
Oxford's contribution to the fight against COVID-19
Personal data breaches: prevent, report, protect
Aiming for zero carbon and biodiversity net gain by 2035
Sir Keir Starmer MP and Annaliese Dodds MP visit Oxford coronavirus vaccine teams
EU/EEA staff: end of Brexit transition period
Investment Committee: climate-conscious appointment
Changes to SSO - final reminder
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Oxford: opportunities for progress
Gill Aitken: responding to the national restrictions
Message from Dr Robert Easton
Women at Oxford 100 Years on: panel session 10 November
Gill Aitken: Help for personal development
Launch of flagship LGBT lecture series
Message from the Vice-Chancellor Professor Louise Richardson
Italian vaccine researcher 'phones home' to talk with Mayor
Professor Anne Trefethen: priorities of Personnel Committee
Canvas update from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)
Apprenticeship Levy opportunities
Dr David Prout: Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Black History Month Lecture - Diversity Activism: to do or not to do?
Nursery childcare – supporting your family needs
Professor Louise Richardson: internal communications updates
Park and Charge Oxfordshire
Campaign launched to recognise centenary of women students
Vice-Chancellor's Oration 2020
Introduction to Inclusive Teaching at Oxford
Appointment notice: Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Development & External Affairs
Professor Martin Williams: Michaelmas term's online/in-person teaching format
COVID Rebuilding Research Momentum Fund
Our Mental Wellness series: Overcoming Sleep Problems
Professor Anne Trefethen: response to the government guidance
Nationally negotiated pay uplift for 2020/21
National Apprenticeship Awards 2020
Staff Hardship Fund
Dr David Prout: the University's financial response to COVID-19
Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits Oxford vaccine teams
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching
Gazette subscriptions
Gill Aitken: returning to onsite working
Look out for the new online expense claims system
Outcomes of research staff survey announced
2020 pay award – clinical academic and related staff
Join the conversation: USS pension webinar 5 October
Kylea Draper
Neaveeda Ali
Professor Anne Trefethen: preparing for Michaelmas term
Emma Morris
Maria Spiga, Bethan Cobourne, Dyrol Lumbard, Evan Nedyalkov
Keith Norman
HR Self-Service access extended
Ryan McGinley
Cathy Gannon
Monika Bell
Richard Ovenden and Ann Evans
Geonhee Monaghan
Lyndie Hayes
Debbie Buswell
Nicole Cunningham
Esmee Barwood
Helen Cullen
Sean Robinson
Abigail Hipkin
Sharing your views on the Academic Support website
Bethan Davies
Bonny Varghese
Alex Purbrick
Amoret Spooner
Andrea Kastner
Prof. David Gavaghan; Dr. Martin Robinson
Oxford’s rapid response to COVID-19
Why I am here
A Day in the Life with Dr Sarah Bauermeister
Behind the screens with our staff
Get fit for free with Oxford University Sport
Lockdown: Community Support
Locked out of Oxford: Logged into learning
Oxford Open Doors 2020
Plastic-Free July
Professor Chris Conlon: Testing for COVID-19 – Early Alert Service
Talking COVID
The colleges and the COVID-19 impact
The search for a vaccine
Andrew Francis
University shortlisted for Apprenticeship award
Mark Grundy, Jamie Sutton and Dan Hollidge
Julie Hickman
Giselle Lee, Hannah Lonsdale and Neesha Devi
Tracy Gunnett
Alycia Leonard
Stephanie Hirmer
Evette Wood & Veronica Rydh-Smith
Bea Krzysztan
Katie Glover
Alice Willington
Lisa Crook
Abderrahim Bouziane
Imogen Harris
Beata Giglio
Jingwen Kyropoulos
Monika Bell
Oxford and coronavirus: advice and support
Professor Anne Trefethen: new HR guidance & USS pension update
Tamara Sanchez
Ellie Thompson
Mark Spooner
Neaveeda Ali
Irina Lepadatu
Jeanette Roberts, Larysa Redka, Rebecca Salisbury and Tara Holmes
Emma Osborne
Akiko Frellesvig, Bahar Uygur, Nims Damney and Shannon Beesley
New study reveals Oxford coronavirus vaccine produces strong immune response
Professor Andrew Pollard: Oxford Vaccine Trial
Marta Lesiak
Imogen Taylor
Additional day's leave: Friday 28 August 2020
Caroline Brown
Creweian Oration 2020
Holly Blades
Alison Coldstream
Pay Award Decisions
Anne Atkinson
Covid-19 update: Dr David Prout
REF 2021 update: Professor Patrick Grant
Get involved with Plastic Free July!
Tim Philipson and Hazel Evans
Neesha Devi
Sally McKendrick
Rebecca Waterman
Romain Alaphilippe
Josephine Aldhouse
Lydia Wright
Belinda Lennox
Covid-19 update: Professor Chas Bountra
Tamara Lewin
What do you think Oxfordshire should be like in 2050?
Kaitlin Beazley
Open Forum 6 July: Professor Anne Trefethen
Victoria Roberts & Amanda Barnett
Laura Gamble
The Duke of Cambridge visits Oxford Vaccine Centre
Winners of the 2020 Education Awards announced
Your stories: creativity in our commute
Angelina Pelova
Vice-Chancellor’s Open Forum: 18 June 2020
Claire Kelly
Kenny MacLennan
Anthony Wheatcraft
Our people are key to a successful academic year ahead
Carlos Tapia
Sydney Hicks
University Print Studio: return to work signage and stickers
Rebecca Murphy
Covid-19 update: Dr Robert Easton
Magda Koczan
Your stories: Art History Radio Hour
Rebecca Giles
Sarah Hayward
Toby Woodforde and Scott Matthews
Anna Hedge
Message from the Vice-Chancellor: £80 million Reuben Foundation donation
Additional day's leave: Friday 26 June 2020
Elena Vasile
Open letter to Oxford students from the Vice-Chancellor and Heads of House
Jack Sloan
Covid-19 update: Professor Anne Trefethen
Iwona Kedzior
Vicki Payne
Ellie Talbot
Anne Atkinson
Expense claims going online
Financial Assurance Team
Sarah Fagan
Your stories: ‘bake and donate’ – raising money for charity at home
Anita Paterson
Louise Stratton
Covid-19 update: Dr David Prout
Naz Ali and Debbie Buswell
Gina Pitson
Michael Jackson
Louisa Summers
Your stories: Dunn with me – virtual cooking classes
Join the conversation: USS pension webinar 3 June
Katy Poncin
Sophie Skidmore
Daniel Meacoe
New online incident reporting system
Dmytro Vasyutin
Funded professional and technical training opportunities
Sean Robinson
Louise Mireh
Jenny Williams
Winners of 2020 Vice-Chancellor's Diversity Awards announced
Laura Cooper
Joanne Taylor
Xintong, Ed, and Antonella
Covid-19 update: Professor Patrick Grant
Oxford webinar on USS pensions 3 June 2020
Susan Gillis
Tracy Gunnett
Erica Ballabio
COVID-19: Data privacy and cybersecurity
Anna Power
Jenny Williams
Lesley-Anne Adams
Kate Hutchinson
New Internal Job Board for University vacancies
Sophie Skidmore
Rachel Srawley
Tim Currie
HRIS Support Team
Tara Prayag
Beata Giglio
Mala Ratha Krishnan
Linda Randall
Rita Richards
Wayne, Pete, Bruce, Marcus, Martin, Ross and Franco
Covid-19 update: Professor Anne Trefethen
Mark Hawkes
Your stories: ‘back garden biology’
Invitation: our mental wellness seminar series, 21 May 2020
Jo Collet
Audra Giles
Darrell Moss
Anna Schneiderova
Callum Winkler
Landmark partnership announced for development of COVID-19 vaccine
Bone density screening
Aga Bogucka
Zoology and Plant Sciences Finance Team
Robin Beachy
Claire Collier
Oxford announces historic commitment to fossil fuel divestment
Rachel Srawley
Covid-19 update: Gill Aitken, Registrar
Lani Fukada
St. Catz Kitchen Team
Marina Amiconi
Covid-19: staffing strategies
Lydia Manfo-Obeng
Your stories: NHS volunteer scheme
Matteo Gosi
Virtual May Morning
Your stories: UK Crafters supporting the NHS
Covid-19 update: Professor Martin Williams
Nicola Tegart
Isobel Stokoe
USS pension: University's response to the second consultation
Your stories: keeping Oxford reading
Emma Edmunds
Your stories: history at home
Elizabeth Hodges
Kevin Kirby
Your stories: team bonding
Karen Ward
Andy Connor
Megan Ilsley
Mateusz Lazarowicz
Resources: support for home-working and staff wellbeing
Holly Howe
Virtual appointments and support update
Carol Baggiolini
Alex, Carl and Amanda
Amanda Tattersall, Sophie Herzberg, Susan Brace and Sian Griffiths
Volunteering and community support
University Purchasing Department
Tim Philipson
Covid-19 update: Dr David Prout
Genieve Boon
REF 2021 update
Darren Marsh
Environmental Sustainability Consultation - now closed
Rachel Hinton and Team
Your stories: delivering science workshops to Polish school children
Research: Oxford University coronavirus updates
Your stories: St Hilda's virtual Literary Festival
Covid-19 measures at OUI: message from OUI's CEO
Travel updates: University parking, season tickets and bike repairs
Dan Hollidge
Daniel Meacoe
Charlotte Thompson-Grant
Staff Immigration Team
Philippa Moss
USS pension consultation: opportunity for staff feedback - now closed
Charlene Rowley
Lucy Hilsdon
Elvira Peace
Wenna Purves
Holly Mosscrop
Personal development: online resources
University gives go-ahead to first joint venture development project
Anna Karlinska
Leila Whitworth
Matt Brock
David Paintin
Beata Giglio
Felicity Polden
Gail de Villiers and Julie Saunders
Li Zhang
Gary Jones
University Card Office
Vickie Dimelow
Peter Sheppard
Nazia Jamil
Alison Coldstream
Hazel Evans
Vicky Roberts
Lyn Hambridge
Simon Ayloff
Hazel Evans
Timothy Philipson
Progress with our people priorities: Julian Duxfield, Human Resources Director
Tom Cooper
Council Matters: update from the meeting on 10 February
Graduate access: support for disadvantaged UK students
Payslips and P60s go paperless
Philippa King
Sue Chen
easit scheme update
Louisa Summers
Margaret Lingas
Scarlett Grant
Wendy Grist
Rebecca Giles and Payments team
FT Weekend Oxford Literary Festival: Update
Kate Mulrey
Rebecca Waterman
University signs up to Oxford Living Wage
USS pension consultation: University's response
Elise Cochrane
David Creasey
Helen Hall
Tara Prayag
Isobel Stokoe
USS pension consultation: opportunity for staff feedback - deadline for 24 February
Understanding RSV: Severe disease and the long term consequences
Adelyn Wise
GLAM Digital Showcase - 25 February
Alison Brindle
Monika Klim
Oxford moves up Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index
Easit rail discounts will end in March
Michael O'Sullivan
Darren Marsh
Jingwen Kyropoulos
Patrick Grant: the University's health and safety review
Bulvinder Gurm
New materials for Personal Development Reviews (PDR)
Hire a room in the Wytham Woods Chalet
Karl Shepherd
Jamie Newman
Karen Williams
Lindsey Martineau
Kaja Wawrzak
Vice-Chancellor’s Diversity Awards 2020 – nominations open
Launch of the Vice-Chancellor’s Education Awards
Our people priorities: message from Professor Anne Trefethen
The University Oxford Gazette celebrates 150th anniversary
Sexual Harassment & Violence Support Service: Highly Commended in awards
New Year Honours: University members recognised in 2020 awards
Hamayun Minhas and James Evans
Joana Perrone
Anna Hardy, Mariangela Graziano, Shaun Todd and Angela Soasti Pozo
Anna Power
Jodie Ririe
Joanna Taylor
Rebecca Blackmore
Rosemond Boadu
Simon Gilbane and Val Holloway
Emmanuelle Chevalier & David Fernandez-Clavero
Lucy Curtin
Professional services team in MI
Duncan Appelbe
Gratian Vandici
Ken Choi
Leyla Aznaran Lesma
Emily Joyce
Shadi Alsamhouri
The TOPIC research group
Alexis Webb
Gemma Jacobs
Gratian Vandici
Julie Darbyshire
Kaja Wawrszak
Alexander Lewis
Anne Whitehouse
Charlotte Albury
Elisa Basso
Kim Nixon, Ronald Tarry, Sarah Lockwood
Adeniyi Aderoba
Cigdem Arnison
Gerard Robinson
Kya Gibbons, Stuart Lawrie, Rob Stone
Louise Kelly & Rebecca Giles
Ruth Porter
Sonja and the Botnar Team
All Careers Service Staff
Brendan Donnelly
Carly Nieri
Gerard Robinson
The Ashmolean Team
George Griffiths
Jason King
Joseph Mckinlay and Matthew Card
Tim Philipson
Victoria Skipper
All our apprenticeship champions
Kellogg College Hub
Angelina Pelova
Bradley Lewis
Joe Ryan
Laura Quinlan
Lucia Browning
Digna Martinez Sabaris
Hayley Morris
Isuara Thomas
Laura Burton
Anthony Kong
David Parr
Developing Impact Case Studies for REF2021: workshop 22 January
Nick Baldwin
Council Matters: update from the meeting on 2 December 2019
Judy Howe
Robert Grayson
Sue Geddes
Teresa Pedroso
Janet Sadler
Cecile Laborde
Rebecca James
Tom Butcher
Elizabeth Smith, Emma Standhaft, Phillipa Tarver
Tricia Murkin and Elvira Peace
Zoe Saul
Gerard Robinson
Blueprint Michaelmas term 2019
Durga Sapre
Katerina Nordin
Neaveeda Ali
Sarah Morris
Harry Lewendon-Evans
Jackie Wilkins
Laura Ainsworth
Charlotte Garner
Diego Sanchez-Ancochea & Graham Bray & Josie Inaldo
Gemma Mumford
Hamayun Minhas and James Evans
James Baker
Josie Inaldo
Maria Williams
Peter Sheppard
Sustainability Matters: Dr David Prout discusses our new Sustainability Strategy plans
Technology award success for Saïd Business School
Audio recording of the Open Forum event with Professor Chas Bountra
Council Matters - update from the meeting November 2019
Poverty research wins Oxford prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prize
Oxford named best for medicine for ninth consecutive year
University IT Strategic Plan: submit your ideas for actions
Staff Experience Survey: Feedback
Resource commitments of the Strategic Plan: Oxford's carbon-neutral conference
Boost to internal OUI translational funding pot
Contacting the History of Science Museum
Festival of Social Science: 2–9 November
Implementation of 2019 pay award: clinical staff
Inspiring Apprenticeships: Josephine Allen talks about her role in the POD team
Networking event for carers: 13 November at 1pm
Networking event for new parents: 13 November at 2pm
Book your ticket for the GLAM Engaged Research Showcase – 27 November, from 4.30pm
Vice-Chancellor's Oration 2019
Professor John Goodenough wins 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for lithium-ion battery research
Sir Peter J Ratcliffe wins the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2019
Our people commitments in the Strategic Plan
Student mental health and wellbeing – strategy and campaign launched
Oxford outlines additional measures for tackling sexual harassment
Senior appointments - October 2019
A new way to log and investigate incidents across the University
Cycle safety event for staff and students – 8 and 9 October
Mosaic project: additional UAS websites migrated to new system
October events taking place across the University
Public consultation: Radcliffe Science Library and Parks College – update on building plans
Tinbergen update
New units to focus on teaching, learning and developing our people
Recent USS pension webinar: available to view shortly
Saïd Business School granted planning permission for the development of Osney Power Station
Staff housing allocation policy: request for focus group volunteers
Oxford University museums win Collections Trust Award 2019
Global day of action on climate change: Friday 20 September
World's Biggest Coffee Morning - updated with additional events
Our new carbon target: get involved
Oxford ranked world’s best university for fourth year running
Implementation of 2019 pay award - non-clinical staff
Senior appointments - September 2019
September events taking place across the University
Strategic Plan: our sustainable commitments
RisingWISE: applications open for 2019-20
New name for Moritz-Heyman Scholarship
Photography and GDPR toolkit
Oxford Vaccine Group study
Mike Glover discusses implementation of the University's Strategic Plan 2018-23
Senior appointments across the University
A selection of August event highlights + prize draws for free tickets
Bodleian Law Library roof repairs to start in August
New University IT Strategic Plan 2019-2024
Awards – details of recent successes from across the collegiate University
Volunteers needed for the next Undergraduate Open Day - 20 September
Council Matters - update from the July meeting 2019
University Mail Service merges with Colleges' Messenger Service
University of Oxford wins ‘Best Apprentice Employer’
Science Transit Shuttle now operating as a public bus service run by Thames Travel
Annual COMPAS photo competition: Migration and the City
Council Matters - update from the June meeting 2019
A selection of events highlights + free tickets prize draws
LAB10x – an incubator to accelerate research commercialisation
Recent award successes from across the collegiate University
Sustainability Showcase celebrates University’s environmental successes
University’s ambitious new carbon emissions reduction target
Staff and graduate housing - staff briefing video and presentation slides
Angela McLean appointed as Chief Scientific Adviser at the MOD
Oxford University Press (OUP) announce Oxford Children’s Word of the Year 2019
University announces unprecedented investment in the Humanities
Childcare Services workshop: maintaining balance upon returning to work
Diversifying public sculpture - find out how to get involved
Oxford academics recognised in 2019 Queen’s Birthday Honours
Public information event - Radcliffe Science Library
Events - June 2019
Latest Oxford University admissions reveal progress on access
OxReach crowdfunding campaign: Smart Handpumps
Professional development survey - for all professional services staff
Event invitation: Canvas - one year on
Mosaic - new UAS websites go live
Mellon Foundation grant for Voltaire Foundation
Staff and graduate housing update
Diversity Fund applications 2019-20
Win VIP tickets to Fitfest Oxford - 15 June 2019
Tinbergen Building public consultation update
Council Matters – update from the May meeting 2019
New initiatives to help students from under-represented backgrounds
Open for entries: Sustainability Photographer of the Year
University Undergraduate Open Days – additional support needed
Museums + Heritage award for partnership project
Oxford Vaccine Group study
Welcome to the new Staff Gateway
New Divisional Registrar for MPLS
Professional Services Conference 2019
PhotOx photography society
Lecture and Q&A with Tom Steyer
Mosaic: UAS websites changing in 2019
USS pensions
All news
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