Employee Self-Service - manage staff rosters: update and publish a roster

Return to Manage Staff Rosters for other sections of the roster guidance.

Return to HR Self-Service user guides webpage for links to alternative HR Self-Service guidance.

6.b. Manage staff rosters (participating departments only)

Roster functionality is currently available to participating departments only

  • To see if you are part of this pilot refer to our dedicated webpage or contact your local HR team/contact for more details.

Online training and guidance

2. Update and publish a roster

Expand and refer to the following sections as and when required. 

Warning: Rostering staff with multiple roles

Please note:  Extra caution should take place where you have responsibility for rostering a member of staff who holds multiple roles, which are rostered, at the University.  This is because it will be possible for you to roster them on days they are already rostered to work in another role.  


You can override the shift an individual is rostered to work for one or multiple consecutive days.

  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
  4. Click into the shift you want to add (eg where they're on 'Rest') or override (when you hover your cursor over the shift it will state 'Change Roster'.
  5. Click where it states 'Change Roster'.
  6. The Change Roster screen opens.
  7.  Complete the following fields:
Filed name (*mandatory) Description
Person Filter

Select 'Working'.

Person* Check the correct individual was selected.
Appointment* Do not change, accept the default.
Work Type* Do not change, accept the default.
Pattern Type* Select the relevant team area for the individual.  This will be limited to your system access.
Pattern* Select the shift the individual will be working, ie what you're changing it to.
Team Area Do not change, accept the default.
Start Date* Select the start date the shift will first apply to. 
End Date* Select the last date the shift change will apply to. If it's for one day, select the same date as the start date.
Start Time* Will auto-populate according to the Pattern selected.  But can be overwritten. 
End Time* Will auto-populate according to the Pattern selected.  But can be overwritten. 
  1. Click Save.

You can override the shift staff are rostered to work for one or multiple days.

  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Change Roster.
  5. The Change Roster Details window opens.
  6.  Complete the following fields:
Field Description
Pattern Type Select the relevant team area for the individuals.  This will be limited to your system access.
Pattern Select the shift the individuals will be working.
Start Time Will auto-populate according to the Pattern selected.  But can be overwritten. 
End Time Will auto-populate according to the Pattern selected.  But can be overwritten. 
Team Area Select the specific team area.  This will be limited to your system access.


  1. Click OK.
  2. Select who to assign this shift to and when by clicking into all of the shifts that will be overwritten.  Ticks will appear in the shifts you select.  If you select a shift incorrectly, click that shift a second time to deselect it.  
  3. Click Save.
  4. The Change Roster screen opens.
  5. Review the 'Selected Employees' to ensure the correct staff and days were selected on in the previous screen.  You have the option to delete any errors.
  6. Review the 'Shift Information', specifically the Pattern, Start Time and End Time, all of which can be changed.
  7. Click Save.

To alter the start/ end time for a member of staff on an individual shift, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
  4. Locate the individual's shift that you want to amend and click ‘Change Roster’.
  5. Change the required start/ end time, eg to start an hour later.
  6. Click Save.

Where an individual is showing as unavailable, ie where there is a "no entry sign" displayed on a day (or multiple days) of the roster, you have the option to override this (in-line with local processes) to show that the individual is available, see system steps below:

  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Click on the individual's name and select ‘Roster Availability’.
  4. The Roster Availability screen opens.  This screen is designed to list and create 'Contracts' which, show periods of time which have been updated to record the individual's adjusted availability.  
  5. Click 'Add New Contract'.
  6. The Contract Details screen opens. 
  7. Update the following fields accordingly:
Field (*mandatory) Description

Contract Start Date*

This defaults to the following Monday.  Based on the availability you're recording, select the Monday of that week.

Contract End Date

Based on the above, this defaults to the Sunday of the following week. Based on the availability you're recording, record the Sunday of that week, or leave blank if it's indefinite.

Start Time

Always enter 00:00.

End Time

Always enter 23:59.


  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Return to the roster by selecting Workforce Management in the breadcrumb. 
  4. From Actions, select Refresh Roster.  

Edit/ delete Contract (availability)

  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Click on the individual's name and select ‘Roster Availability’.
  4. The Roster Availability screen opens.  
  5. To edit a contract:
    1. Click on the ellipsis menu and select Edit Contract.
    2. Make necessary changes. 
    3.  Click Next.
    4. Click Save.
  6. To delete a contract:
    1. Click on the ellipsis menu and select Delete Contract.
    2. Click yes to the message.
  7. Return to the roster by selecting Workforce Management in the breadcrumb.

PeopleXD identifies key pieces of information which is useful for roster managers to know for their rosters.  Some of the notifications may require action, some are just for information.
The alerts are specific to the week you have selected.

  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
  4. Click on the Flag icon (see image below).
roster alerts


  1. The Roster Alerts screen opens:
  2. The alerts listed only correspond to the roster selected on the previous screen. For more details on any specific alert, click on the related 'View'.
  3. The Roster Alerts Notifications screen opens:
    1. To return to the previous screen: Select the Roster Alerts from the breadcrumb.
    2. To view the relevant details in the roster: Select View All, once you have reviewed the details from the Roster, click Clear Filter.

A. Publish roster  

Once the Roster is ready to be shared with the team, it must be published.  By publishing the roster the staff members will see the details from HR Self-Service.  

  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
  4. From the Actions menu select Publish Week.
  5. The Publish Week screen opens.
  6. Ensure the 'Notify Employee Notification centre' and 'Send Employee Email' toggles are on
  7. Click Publish.

B. Re-publish roster

If changes are made after a roster has been published and you need to re-publish the roster:

  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
  4. From the Actions menu select Send Update.
  5. The Publish Week screen opens.
  6. Ensure the 'Notify Employee Notification centre' and 'Send Employee Email' toggles are ON
    1. If you want everyone rostered that week to receive the new roster, ensure the 'Notify Updated' toggle is OFF
    2. If you only want the person(s) who has had their shift altered since the roster was published to receive the revised roster, ensure the 'Notify Updated' toggle is ON
  7. Click Publish.
  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
  4. From the Actions menu select Roster Reports
  5. The Roster Reports screen opens.
  6. Ensure the following is selected:
Field Action
Report Type Roster Report
Group By Team Area
Include Page Header Toggle ON
Roster Details Toggle ON
Notifications Toggle ON
Breakdown Toggle ON


  1. Click Create Report.
  2. The Roster Report screen opens.
  3. Click Print Export
  4. Select your required printing settings and click Print.
  5. Return to the roster by selecting Workforce Management in the breadcrumb.
  1. Navigate to Workforce Management Dashboard > Roster Details.
  2. If you manage multiple teams, select the required one.
  3. Navigate to the required Week and select Apply.
  4. From the Actions menu select Roster Reports
  5. The Roster Reports screen opens.
  6. Ensure the following is selected:
Field Action
Report Type Roster Report
Group By Team Area
Include Page Header Toggle ON
Roster Details Toggle ON
Notifications Toggle ON
Breakdown Toggle ON


  1. Click Create Report.
  2. The Roster Report screen opens.
  3. Under 'Date Created' click Export to Excel
  4. Depending on your settings, you should expect the report to be saved in Excel and saved in your Downloads.  
  5. Return to the roster by selecting Workforce Management in the breadcrumb.

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You must be on the University's network / VPN



Having issues?

  1. Check the relevant user guide
  2. Visit the FAQs and Troubleshooting pages
  3. Still having problems? Contact your local HR for help.