Oxford Digital Festival 2024

The second Oxford Digital Festival happened on Thursday 14 November 2024, at Rhodes House. We once again be gathered over 100 digital innovators from across Oxford under one roof to inspire colleagues about the potential of digital Oxford. 

Hosted by Professor Anne Trefethen, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, People and Digital, the day featured plenary talks, interactive sessions, exhibition stands and offered attendees the opportunity to network.





You can view sessions from the day (SSO required):

Look back at the day with our photo library (SSO required).


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Read below for a reminder of the 'innovator' colleagues who showcased their work as exhibitors at the Digital Festival and find out more about their fascinating work. 

Exhibitor Further information Contact information
Digital Scholarship at Oxford Digital Scholarship website digitalscholarship@humanities.ox.ac.uk
Centre for Digital Scholarship Sustainable Digital Scholarship
Electronic Enlightenment
Centre for Digital Scholarship Events


Research Data Oxford Research Data Oxford website researchdata@ox.ac.uk
FAIRsharing FAIRsharing website contact@fairsharing.org
User Experience UX Centre of Excellence website Sarah Zama: sarah.zama@it.ox.ac.uk
Digital Accessibility UX Centre of Excellence website Ben Tillyer: ben.tillyer@it.ox.ac.uk
Transforming Oxford's Digital Communications Transforming Oxford's Digital Communications Programme transformingdigitalcommsprogramme@it.ox.ac.uk
Synchrony: interactive digital art inspired by cell behaviours in the embryonic heart Artist website
Project website
Tomoko Watanabe: tomoko.watanabe@dpag.ox.ac.uk
AI and ML Competency Centre  AI and ML Competency Centre website AIMLSupportCentre@it.ox.ac.uk
Workflow and Automation Competency Centre  Workflow and Automation Competency Centre website workflow.automation-cc@it.ox.ac.uk
Cloud Computing for Research Competency Centre  Cloud Computing for Research Competency Centre website researchcloud.ai-cc@it.ox.ac.uk
Cyber Security Competency Centre  Cyber Security Competency Centre website  cybersecurity-cc@it.ox.ac.uk
Eyemmersive  Eyemmersive project website
Eyemmersive introductory video
Eyemmersive showcase
Selvakumar Ramachandran: selvakumar.ramachandran@conted.ox.ac.uk
GLAM - Exhibit   Exhibit website  
GLAM - MARCO (Manuscripts and Archives at Oxford University)  MARCO website  
GLAM - Bes - Creating Identities  Bes website  
GLAM - 3D at the Museum of Natural History  Megalosaurus 200 website  
GLAM - About Time  About Time website  
GLAM - Wandering in Other Worlds  Wandering in Other Worlds website  
Taylor Editions  Taylor Editions website Emma Huber: emma.huber@bodleian.ox.ac.uk
ARCHiOx - Analysis and Recording of Cultural Heritage in Oxford  ARCHiOx website John Barrett: john.barrett@bodleian.ox.ac.uk
IMPRESA  The IMPRESA project aims to transform Nuffield Department of Medicine's operations by developing a comprehensive web application designed to streamline various workflows within NDM. The platform integrates multiple workflows into a single system, addressing inefficiencies from using separate platforms. Leonidas Koukouflis: leonidas.koukouflis@cmd.ox.ac.uk
Cheng Kar Shun Digital Hub events programme (Jesus College) Cheng Kar Shun Digital Hub website digitalhub@jesus.ox.ac.uk
MyOxford  MyOxford project website myoxford@admin.ox.ac.uk
Online Education Hub  Online Education Hub webpage onlineeducationhub@conted.ox.ac.uk
Oxford Saïd Online (EdTech of Saïd Business School)  Saïd Online Programmes website OnlineExecEd@sbs.ox.ac.uk
Digital Education Service (by CTL)   Centre for Teaching and Learning website  
Online courses development  Continuing Education's online courses tall@conted.ox.ac.uk
Headless Web Development  Merton College website Rebecca Wilson: rebecca.wilson@merton.ox.ac.uk
Hands on experience of VR and 3-D modelling medical image segmentation (winners of a VC Award in 2024)  

VC Awards announcement
Webinar on VR in Clinical Anatomy Teaching

Rumyana Smilevska: rumyana.smilevska@dpag.ox.ac.uk
Sharmila Rajendran: sharmila.rajendran@dpag.ox.ac.uk
DGscope.id  DGscope is an affordable digital stethoscope designed to aid telemedicine, telemonitoring, medical training, and research while minimizing auscultation errors that might otherwise result in inaccurate diagnoses.  
Train Your Eyes, Train Your Brain – Amblyopia Virtual Reality Train Your Eyes, Train Your Brain – Amblyopia Virtual Reality webpage vision.study@ndcn.ox.ac.uk
Mung! Digital Grandchild  Mung! LinkedIn mungtech@outlook.com
Quantifying Parkinson's using digital wearable technology OxQUIP study website Chrystalina Antoniades: chrystalina.antoniades@ndcn.ox.ac.uk
Laing O’Rourke (inc Schwarzman Centre)  Read about the building of the new Schwarzman Centre  
Improving Wireless Programme Improving Wireless programme website improvingwirelessprogramme@it.ox.ac.uk
Opportunities List 

A centralized, filtered, database of humanities-relevant opportunities accessible to members of the university. Hosted on SharePoint page through a Microsoft List.

Communications Officers and/or professional services staff can add opportunities that may be of shared interest throughout the Humanities Division. This eliminates duplication of work and allows us to share information between faculties.

Opportunities list

Claire MacLeod: claire.macleod@theology.ox.ac.uk
PixselChat - Follow lectures in your own language PixselChat website Sepi Chakaveh: sepideh.chakaveh@conted.ox.ac.uk
Impossible Factory Impossible Factory webpage
The Impossible Factory is a rapid innovation and prototyping method which helps businesses ideate on problems in a range of different industries and sectors, re-imagine how things can be done differently using technology, and quickly reach scale and commercial viability.


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Check out the 2024 Visitor Guide for a full reminder of sessions, speakers, and exhibitors from the day.

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You can browse our 2023 Digital Festival page for video highlights of 2023's event, along with recorded playbacks of plenaries and a list of past exhibitors.

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Catch up

You can watch all sessions from the day (SSO required):


Visitor Guide

View our visitor guide for full information on venue, speakers, and exhibitors.

Oxford Digital Festival 2024 Visitor Guide  


Get in touch


Digital Festival 2023

Catch up on last year’s event, exhibitors and presentations (SSO required) on the 2023 webpage