How-to guide: Manager Self-Service - finalise career and professional development reviews

Return HR Self-Service user guides webpage for links to alternative guidance.

3.a. Finalise career and professional development reviews (participating departments only)

Note: 'My Development' functionality is currently available only to participating departments.

We are rolling this feature out in stages, please contact your local HR team/contact for more details.




Prior to the review meeting, we advise that as the Reviewer you read the comments recorded and documents attached by the Reviewee in preparation. You have the option to add your own comments against the individual question and/or the ‘Further Comments’ areas.

Note: Comments can be added during and after the review but only prior to sign off.

Refer to the 'Open, complete and sign off the review' section, to access the comments recorded by the Reviewee. 

Follow these steps to open a review:

  1. Navigate to the Manager Dashboard
  2. Select the Development tab, from the left of the screen.
  3. From the Manager Reviews menu, select View All, to access all reviews assigned to you.
my reviews
  1. To search for an individual's review, either:
  • use the 'Search by reviewee name' option, or;
  • use the filter, eg to find 'Awaiting Sign Off' reviews, see filter descriptions below.  In all cases you will only see reviews where you are recorded as the Reviewer.
Filter Description
All Reviews All reviews regardless of their progress. 
Awaiting Sign Off All reviews signed-off by the Reviewee but not the Reviewer. 
Current Reviews All reviews regardless of their progress within this year only. 


Each review will have one of three review statuses, see descriptions below:

Review status Description
Awaiting Employee Action Review has not been signed-off by the Reviewee.
Awaiting Manager Action Review has been signed-off by Reviewee and is waiting to be reviewed and signed-off by the Reviewer.
Complete Review has been signed-off by Reviewer.


  1. Where the review status is set to Awaiting Manager Action, use the ellipsis to open the additional menu and select Launch.

    my dev launch
  • You are presented with a set of questions that appear under each of the headings detailed below.  If the Reviewee has answered the questions, the text will appear here.
  • If the Reviewee has documentation they wish to share, refer to the Comments field for details of where this has been saved.
  • There are multiple questions that are depicted by 'question 1 of 2', question 2 of 2' etc, this to help ensure that no questions are missed.

Follow these steps to complete a review:

  1. Add comments to the questions, which are separated over the following tabs, whilst referring to the guidance above. 

Career Development Review

  • Current Role  
  • Career Goals
  • Professional Development
  • Further Comments

Professional Development Review

  • Looking Back
  • Looking Forward
  • Further Comments
  1. Click Save after each section.
  2. Either
    1. 'sign off' the review now or return at a later stage.  
    2. send the review back to the Reviewee (if needed).

In circumstances where you need to send the review back to the Reviewee before signing it off, follow the steps below:

  1. If needed, refer to the 'Open and complete a review' guidance above to open the review.  
  2. From the Sign Off tab select the Send Back button.
  3. Enter any relevant Comments, these will be visible to the Reviewee.   
  4. Click OK.
  5. Notify the Reviewee that the review needs to be updated and re-submitted.  There is no automatic system notification or email.


  1. If needed, refer to the 'Open and complete a review' guidance above to open the review.  
  2. From the Sign Off tab select Sign Off.
  3. Answer Yes to the text prompt.

The status of the review will change to Complete.

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You must be on the University's network / VPN



Having issues?

  1. Check the relevant user guide
  2. Visit the FAQs and Troubleshooting pages
  3. Still having problems? Contact your local HR for help.