How-to guide: Manager Self-Service - Navigate to Manager Dashboard and view team member records

Return HR Self-Service user guides webpage for links to alternative guidance.

1.a. Navigate to Manager Dashboard and view team member records

The Manager Dashboard in HR Self-Service gives you access to your team members’ records.

To view your team:

  1. Click on the Employee Dashboard (for certain new starters 'Social Hub' will appear instead of Employee Dashboard, so click this instead) and select Manager Dashboard.
manager dashboard


  1. You are then presented with the My Team widget, which lists all of your team members. You will only see the staff for which you have been assigned as Self-Service Manager.
  2. If needed, ie you have a long list of staff, you can search for individuals by entering part of their name, department or job title and clicking the magnify glass icon. 
team search


  1. To return to the full list, click 'X' next to the magnify glass icon.

To view team member's record:

  1. Click on the ellipsis menu (three dots) next to the relevant staff member.
  2. Select View Profile.  You will see personal and contractual information for the member of staff on a read-only basis, you do not have access to make any changes.  
  3. Return to My Team by clicking on the white arrow in the top left of the screen.

To view your team member's direct reports:

  1. If you manage staff who are also managers and want to see their records, follow steps 1-5 (above).
  2. Select View Team, you will then see their team members.
  3. To view their profiles, from the ellipsis menu (from the relevant staff member) select View Profile
  4. Return to My Team by clicking on the white arrow in the top left of the screen.

Log into HR Self-Service

You must be on the University's network / VPN



Having issues?

  1. Check the relevant user guide
  2. Visit the FAQs and Troubleshooting pages
  3. Still having problems? Contact your local HR for help.