How-to guide: Employee Self-Service


Return HR Self-Service user guides webpage for links to alternative guidance.

2.a.ii View and update your details

To view your job and personal details (including your grade and salary), click on the icon with your initials, in the top left, to access My Profile.

Note: You are unable to update your bank details via HR Self-Service.  Please contact your local HR team to update this on your behalf. 


Use the left-side menu to navigate through and check your details. For further guidance, including making updates, please refer to the sections below.


The following guidance sections refer to the left-hand menu of the screenprint above.

Contact details: In this section you can only update your:

  • Home email address
  • Personal mobile number
  • Your address

Other details can be viewed here, but are updated by your local HR team.

  1. To update your details click on the  icon
  2. Select Edit. 


  • Do not use special characters, such as ’&, @’ in your home address.
  • Do not add multiple entries into the same field, eg two mobile numbers.
  • If your University Card details are not correct or missing, or your card expiry date is coming up, please flag this to your local HR team and/or manager, who will assist you accordingly.
Field Description
Emergency Contact Type or overwrite the information to provide your emergency/next of kin details. Use the Comments field to add details of a second emergency contact.
Known As This shows your full name details. To update your name details, please contact your HR administrator (you may need to provide proof of a name change).
Documents This will normally be blank/not in use and cannot be updated.
 Bank Details You cannot update/save your bank details in HR Self-Service - please contact your local HR to request any updates.
Bio Not in use - leave blank.


Check and update your details, by using the dropdown menus for each field. Once you have entered your information click 'SAVE'.

Read the Guide to your HR data for definitions and to find out why we collect and how we use staff diversity data.

Who can see my diversity data?

Diversity data is currently restricted to staff who have been authorised to access this information for specific purposes (read Guide to your HR data). 

Your local HR team can only view and update, if necessary, your 'sex' (this may be different to your 'gender identity') and date of birth; they cannot access any other diversity data.

Your manager/Self-Service Manager cannot view any of your diversity information.


This section provides details of your contract and salary. 

Read the Guide to your HR data for details and guidance about the data held about you in HR Self-Service.


This section will only show for staff who are based in a participating department to record and manage leave via the University's HR system.

Here you can view your annual leave balances and a history of your leave requests. You will not be able to book or amend any leave requests on these screens. To do this, please navigate back to your Employee Dashboard and go to the Leave And Absence section instead.

Also refer to guidance on requesting annual leave and recording other absence.

This section will display teaching qualifications, if recorded (for posts with teaching responsibilities only). To make an update, please contact your HR administrator.

This is not in use.

Academic Teaching Qual ( Do Not Use) - Not in use; please ignore.

HESA Staff ID - For informational purposes only. Read the Guide to your HR data for more details.

Outside Appointments - Cannot be edited - read the Guide to your HR data for more details.

Right to Work - You cannot update these details yourself; please contact your HR administrator, if updates are required.

Click on the white arrow, top left to return to your Home screen.