UX questions for SaaS vendors

This document is designed to assist the supplier selection process during an invitation to tender to supply a new software application or system to the University of Oxford. It will assess usability considerations, an organisation's commitment and compliance status, and documentation and support for a product. It also assesses the vendor's accessibility audits, involvement of users with disabilities, compliance with standards, and future accessibility support.

This document is also available as a word document: UX_questions_for_SaaS_vendors.docx.


Question number Question Supplier Response
1 Does the product support a simple and intuitive user interface that reduces cognitive load for users? Response: Yes/No
Supporting Evidence: Please describe how this is achieved
2 If relevant, is there a search function or AI tool to help users locate content easily? Response: Yes/No
Supporting Evidence: Please describe how the feature works
3 Does the design follow best practices for responsive design, ensuring compatibility across devices and screen sizes? Response: Yes/No
Supporting Evidence: Please describe how this is achieved
4 Does the product provide feedback (e.g., confirmation messages) after a user action and allow users to undo or correct errors? Response: Yes/No Supporting Evidence: Please describe how this is achieved (where relevant)

Flexibility and Interoperability

The questions in this section are commonly covered in other aspects of the requirements; if this is the case, these questiosn can be ommitted, as long as flexibility, SSO and interoperability are addressed somewhere in your procurment process.

Question number Question Supplier Response
1 Can the system be configured to accommodate existing institutional processes and vocabulary? Response: Yes/No
Supporting Evidence: Please describe how this is achieved
2 Can the system be easily integrated with the University’s SSO? Response: Yes/No Supporting Evidence: Please describe how this is achieved
3 Can the system accommodate interoperability with other institutional systems? Response: Yes/No/Partial
Supporting Evidence: Please describe how this is achieved

Accessibility Compliance & Commitment

Question number Question Supplier Response
1 Is the product compliant with WCAG? If so, which version and level? Response: Yes/No
Version & Level: WCAG 2.2 AA or other (please specify)
2 Has the compliance been confirmed by an independent third-party? If so, when was it last tested and which third-party was used? Response: Yes/No
Testing Date & Third-Party: (if applicable)
3 If no third-party testing, have any accessibility tests been undertaken on the product? If so, were the tests performed in-house or by an independent third-party? Response: Yes/No
Testing Team: In-house/Third-party (please specify)
4 Is a PSBAR2018-compliant accessibility statement available for this product? If not, will one be provided ahead of the product going live? Response: Yes/No
5 Who is the named individual in your organisation ultimately responsible for the accessibility of the product? Response: Name & Role
6 Does your organisation involve users with disabilities in their product development and testing processes? Response: Yes/No
Supporting Evidence: Please describe the involvement, if applicable.
7 What percentage of your organisation’s staff have had formal digital accessibility training? Response: % (please specify)
8 What is your organisation’s feedback mechanism for complaints relating to accessibility? Response: Please describe the mechanism
9 What is the age of the oldest accessibility defect currently open in your backlog? Response: (please specify in months)
10 Is the product compatible with popular assistive technologies and operating system/browser accessibility personalisation? Response: Yes/Partially/No
If yes/partially, specify which assistive technologies, operating systems, and browsers have been proven to be compatible:
11 Will accessibility defects raised by the University of Oxford be remediated free of charge? Response: Yes/No
12 Does your organisation provide a roadmap for future accessibility improvements to the product? Response: Yes/No
13 Does your organisation provide ongoing accessibility support and ensure compliance with future updates to accessibility standards? Response: Yes/No

Vendor Commitments & Support

Question number Question Supplier Response
1 What training and support do you offer to help users understand and use accessibility features within the software? Response: Describe the training materials, sessions, or documentation available.
2 Do you offer a dedicated support channel for accessibility-related issues? Response: Yes/No
Supporting Evidence: Provide details on how users can access this support.