Research computing next stage plan |
The first phase of implementing the recommendations from the earlier investigative assignment into the research computing capability and needs of the University.
This is likely to include a review and development of a strategy for research computing data centre access and hosting, and development of a University-wide research computing strategy. |
2023 -24 |
Trusted Research Environment (TRE) (Phase 1) |
Researchers and support staff currently have to work across multiple systems to manage different elements of the research lifecycle. The majority of the systems aren't integrated and information has to be manually re-entered to move it between systems. Some elements of the lifecycle aren't supported at all by a University-wide service and rely on manual, or locally-developed solutions.
Investigation into the current processes and systems that are used to support the research lifecycle, and the information flows between them; and potential options and priorities for the implementation of end-to-end research management digital services. |
Intervention |
2023 -24 |
Research management end-to-end review |
Researchers and support staff currently have to work across multiple systems to manage different elements of the research lifecycle. The majority of the systems aren't integrated and information has to be manually re-entered to move it between systems. Some elements of the lifecycle aren't supported at all by a University-wide service and rely on manual, or locally-developed solutions.
Investigation into the current processes and systems that are used to support the research lifecycle, and the information flows between them; and potential options and priorities for the implementation of end-to-end research management digital services. |
Investigative Assignment |
2023 -24 |
Approved |
Research management end-to-end implementation |
Implementation of recommendations from the investigative assignment |
Investigative Follow-up |
2024 - 25 |
Research management data for REF and research quality |
The management of research-related information is currently fragmented and inefficient, with disparate systems lacking integration, and insufficient data to be able to understand, improve, and report on research performance.
This results in difficulties demonstrating the quality of our research and the ability to make strategic interventions to boost research quality.
Investigation into the processes and systems used to gather, analyse, and distribute information about our research activity, as well as the data and reporting needs of research teams, funders, Research Services, and the University. |
Investigative Assignment |
2024-25 |
Approved |
Research management data for REF and research quality (Phase 1) |
Implementation of recommendations from the investigative assignment |
Investigative Follow-up |
2024 |
Research Runway (Phase 2) |
Implementation of an efficient, aligned and integrated Research Runway service to guide researchers through the governance and compliance steps (e.g. ethical review, GDPR) that must be followed when initiating research projects involving human participants and personal data. |
Intervention |
2023 -24 |
RDM core toolbox |
The provision of the different Research Data Management components (including data storage, data management plans, data publication) is fragmented and loosely coordinated, with a growing need to direct researchers to the appropriate support and signpost them to a core set of tools and resources.
Investigation into the core building blocks required (internally/externally provided infrastructure, tools, registries, and services) to support all stages of RDM (beyond storage); and an outline plan to deliver them. |
Investigative Assignment |
2024-25 |
Approved |
RDM core toolbox |
Implementation of recommendations from the investigative assignment |
Investigative Follow-up |
2024 |
A cross-functional Research Community of Practice |
Creation of a network of experts and advocates at different levels of the organisation (academics, students, and professional staff, centrally and in divisions/departments/centres, as appropriate) to effectively connect, communicate, share and to support good research practice, including Research Data Management. |
Community of Practice |
2023 -24 |
Research specialist support resources |
There are a range of vital specialist research support resources that enable research at Oxford, including RSEs, facilitators etc. However, these resources are often siloed within specific divisions, and we often lose good people to organisations with better remuneration, conditions and development.
A review and recommendations regarding how to better retain, structure and reward key research support roles. Other areas that may be reviewed include role descriptions and communities of practice. |
Investigative Assignment |
2023 -24 |