Upcoming events

Explore the various events linked to Professional Services Together which are available to colleagues across the University. Please check this page regularly for updates and new additions.

Events are listed alphabetically by event or community name.

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The Careers Club runs termly events and is open to all Professional Services staff in the University. The club aims to encourage you to develop your career in Oxford and connect with colleagues across the University.

Careers Club sessions are usually online events

Next event

Coaching and mentoring for development - 1-2pm, Monday 17 March

Curious about how coaching or mentoring could support your career development? In this session, we'll delve into the concepts of coaching and mentoring and you'll hear first-hand experiences from colleagues who have benefited from these relationships in their careers. Whether you're looking to become a mentor, find a mentor, or curious about the differences and benefits of coaching, this session promises to offer valuable insights and practical advice.

Register for the session

A flexible and innovative programme focussed on people management skills development - a great series for everyone who line manages at Oxford. The series runs every term which several dates provided for each module. The online masterclasses run once a term.

A mix of in-person modules or online masterclass sessions

Next event

Visit The Confident Manager series webpage for module and masterclass details and dates

The Continuous Improvement Community of Practice (CI CoP) is an active and welcoming learning community open to all University staff at any stage of your Continuous Improvement (CI) journey. 

The CI CoP runs two types of events, CI Stories and CI Lunch and Learns, every term. These events are always recorded and are available to watch on-demand.

Online Teams webinars

Next event

Thursday 27 February, 11-11.45am on Teams

CI Lunch & Learn: Achieving operational success and Continuous Improvement with the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle 

Join the Continuous Improvement Community of Practice and discover how the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle can transform your processes. You'll hear from colleagues who have used the tool in both routine operations and extraordinary situations. 

Register for your place

The Growing Good Governance Community of Practice (GGG CoP) brings together academic and professional services staff who are involved in governance related work across Oxford. The GGG CoP runs regular lunch and learn sessions focusing on different aspects of governance at Oxford.

Online Teams events

Next event

TBC February, 12.15-12.45pm on Teams

Lunch & Learn: Report Writing, including Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirements

More information to follow

Professional Services Together is the ambition for how we work as professional services in support of the University’s academic mission. Come along to learn what this means for you!  You'll leave the session armed with new knowledge that you can implement straight away.

Next event

Thursday 20 March, 11:30 - 12:30pm on Teams

Register for your place

The Induction runs termly and is open to professional services staff who are new to the central University or an academic division, department, college, or faculty. It is held termly and is an in-person event.  

Next event

Please visit the Professional Services Staff Events webpage for more information and to register your interest in attending a Professional Services Staff Induction event.

The Professional Services Conference is an annual event for professional services staff across the University. 

All members of staff in administrative, technical and professional roles are invited to attend. 

Next event

The next Professional Services Conference will take place in September 2025. You can catch up on some of the sessions from the 2023 and 2024 conferences on the past event recordings webpage.


The Registrar's Update takes place twice a year and is a hybrid event open to professional services staff across the University. 

Next event

The next Registrar's Update will take place in Hilary term 2025. In the meantime, you can catch up on the most recent Update (September 2024), a link to this recording is also available on the past event recordings webpage.

Contact us

The Professional Services Together team:


University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD