We explain how the People and Finance Service Transformation (PFST) programme will enable us to step-change how our services work so that they meet the evolving needs of the University better.
What is PFST?
The People and Finance Service Transformation (PFST) is a programme of work to improve, modernise and future-proof our People and Finance services. It will involve reimagining our ways of working and adopting technologies that help us to provide the level of support our ambitious academic mission demands.
The programme includes looking at what our core, underpinning systems should be in the future, considering the future for both Oracle and People XD as well as the other systems we use to deliver People and Finance services. But systems, however, are just one part of the programme, underpinning the wider ambition to improve our processes, build stronger relationships across the University and provide better data insights.
Why does it matter?
This is a strategically important programme for the University, part of our Digital Transformation, supporting the principles of Professional Services Together and a key enabler of the University’s People Strategy
It matters to our people: We know that our ways of working are often a source of frustration for staff who carry the burden of inefficiencies and deficiencies in our processes, systems and ways of working, or risk losing skills where working practices or haven’t kept pace with professional best practice. PFST has grown out of feedback provided by staff using or delivering people and finance services across the University. The programme is about empowering people by providing better tools, information and skills development so staff can thrive in their roles and, together, deliver excellent professional services.
It matters to our academic mission: World-class teaching and research need excellent professional services to support them. Simplifying, improving and making our services more consistent will help our academic communities to focus on their priorities and thrive into the future.
What’s the story so far?
This will be a multi-year programme and will involve a lot of people. Listening to stakeholders and working collaboratively will be essential to success. Over the last few years, we’ve set up Process Oversight Groups and Process User Groups (POGs and PUGs) in Finance, and Product Ownership Groups and Communities of Practice in HR as an early step in making this collaboration integral to how we operate.
Some projects are already underway as part of the Transformation. These have been prioritised because they address:
- gaps in our service for example Workforce Management Project which is bringing consistency to how time and absence is managed across the organisation and offering us a new rostering capability;
- particular pain points stakeholders have highlighted - for example the Purchasing Hierarchy Project which will improve the way we approve purchases at the University so it is simpler, more efficient, more consistent across the organisation;
- key risks - for example Employee Relations Case Management.
Together, these and other projects have started the journey needed to transform our services and de-risk future, bigger changes in our systems landscape.
As we start the early stages of planning the route ahead for our major systems and associated improvements to ways of working we will firstly spend time understanding the case for change and developing a shared vision for the future. We will map the capabilities we have against those anticipated for the future. And learning from other HEIs and large organisations who are ahead of us on this journey, we will then be ready to select a partner for our future systems development.
What specifically are we delivering?
- Simplified and more efficient processes
- Technology and tools to better support service delivery and management of risk
- Clearer relationships between all the essential roles in delivering great services
- Better data insights
- Culture of improvement
Who will benefit and how?
The programme is working towards a range of benefits. As a flavour of the emerging vision, here are some examples:
- Leaders and Managers will have the information they need to make good decisions about everything from day-to-day operations to long-term strategies.
- Teaching and Research staff will have the support they need to focus on research and teaching, with easy access to the information about finances and their teams.
- Professional Services staff will have the tools and training to do their best work, learn new digital skills, and meet their team's specific needs.
- Funders and Partners will get clear, accurate info about Oxford's activities when they need it.
How can staff get involved?
If your role involves Finance, please join the Finance Community and get involved with the Process User Groups.
If your role involves HR, sign up for HR communications
- The initial phase of the programme will involve consultation via the Finance Community and HR groups. Specific opportunities will be communicated via the usual Finance and HR channels and the University cascade.