How-to guide: Employee Self-Service - complete career and professional development reviews

Return HR Self-Service user guides webpage for links to alternative guidance.

4.a. Complete career and professional development reviews (participating departments only)


The 'My Development' functionality is being rolled out in stages and is currently available to participating departments only. For details, contact your local HR team/contact.




Open a review

  1. Navigate to the My Development tab on the left of the screen.
  2. Multiple menus will then appear:
    1. My Records: Access reviews assigned to you and record your professional development.
    2. Useful Links: Access University resources for the CDR and PDR processes.
my dev1
  1. To view all assigned reviews, select VIEW ALL under My Records.
my dev2
  1. To search for reviews:
  • Use the Search by review name option. OR
  • Amend the filter from Current Reviews to All Reviews.
my dev3
  1. Open the review by clicking the ellipsis (three dots) next to it and selecting Launch.
my dev4

Complete a Career Development Review and/ or Professional Development Review:

  1. Answer the set of optional questions under the following headings (referring to the guidance for each question as necessary):
    1. Career Development Review
      • Current Role  
      • Career Goals
      • Professional Development
      • Further Comments
    2. Professional Development Review
      • Looking Back
      • Looking Forward
      • Further Comments
  2. If you wish to share any documentation during your review, add links to these within the Comments field of the relevant question (eg OneDrive links).
  3. Questions are labelled  (eg 'Question 1 of 2') to help ensure none are missed.
  4. Complete the questions that are separated over the tabs, whilst referring to the guidance above. 
  5. Click Save after completing each section.
  6. You can either 'sign off' the review immediately or return to complete it later.  
  1. If needed, refer to the 'Open and complete a review' guidance above to open the review.  
  2. Navigate to the Sign Off tab and select Sign Off.
  3. Confirm by answering Yes to the text prompt.
    • Note: Once signed off, the review cannot be edited. Contact the Reviewer for any changes.
  4. Notify the Reviewer manually, as the system does not send an automatic notification or email.
  5. Once completed, the review will appear on your My Development page and will be sent to the Reviewer for their sign-off.

If your Reviewer has returned the review for updates, follow these steps:

  1. If needed, refer to the 'Opening and completing a review' guidance above to open the review.  
  2. Navigate to the Sign Off tab to view the Reviewer's notes.  
  3. Make required changes.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Follow instruction to 'sign-off' the review and notify the Reviewer off-system, as no system notification is sent.

Log into HR Self-Service

You must be on the University's network / VPN



Having issues?

  1. Check the relevant user guide
  2. Visit the FAQs and Troubleshooting pages
  3. Still having problems? Contact your local HR for help.