University’s Annual Report and Accounts published

In 2023/24, there were 26,390 students at Oxford, with 20.7% of admitted undergraduates from the most disadvantaged backgrounds. A total of 6,905 research agreements were executed, leading to research income of £778.9m and 179 active spinout companies.   

Oxford invested in its people through the Pay and Conditions Review, as well as in its estate; had its new Access and Participation Plan approved; and was ranked first in the THE World University Rankings for the 9th year running.   

Total income was £3.1bn (up from £2.9bn the previous year, an underlying increase of 3.0%). However, a 3.6% increase in underlying costs led to an adjusted surplus of £119.5m (up from £117.3m in 2022/23). Capital expenditure on property, plant and equipment was £194m (up from £153.2m in 2022/23).       

A summary of the statements is available on the University website, and the full statements can be downloaded as a PDF.