The REF Funding Bodies have announced an indefinite postponement of the REF submission deadline of 27 November 2020 as a result of Covid-19.
We do not yet know when the new submission deadline will be, or whether there will be any changes to what we are required to submit as a result of Covid-19. At least for the time being, the staff census date remains the same 31 July 2020.
The Funding Bodies will consult on whether any changes to the guidance on submissions may be needed, and any proposed new dates and deadlines. In the meantime, it is important that we build on our preparations, recognising that the rate and
ease of progression is now constrained, sometimes severely, by our new working arrangements. REF Project Board – which oversees the submission for the University – recognizes the strain and disruption and discussed how ongoing work might be prioritised
to relieve as much of the burden on colleagues as possible, and has decided that the priority areas should be completing work as far as possible on staff eligibility, research outputs and open access compliance. The teams supporting REF continue
to work as usual (albeit remotely), and if you have any queries please contact, or your usual contact.
Many thanks to all colleagues across the collegiate University for their continuing work on REF, especially in the light of current difficulties and other priorities.