Photographer David Tolley set up the PhotOx Photography Society to provide a friendly, creative environment, where Oxford University staff and students passionate about digital (or film) photography will receive inspiration, technical advice, and constructive feedback on their images. Sessions will continue in Michaelmas 2019 and Hilary/Trinity, 2020. Whether you have a Nikon or Canon DSLR; a mirror-less M4/3; a point-and-shoot camera, or just an iPhone – you will learn how to compose, expose, and capture better images.
Tutor: David Tolley Professional Photographer/Lecturer
Membership Fee: £65 per term – payable at the start of the 1st class on Thursday 2 May
Classroom Sessions: The Collier Room, Regent’s Park College Pusey Street, OX12LB (off St. Giles)
Practical Workshop Sessions: The University Parks (Keble Gate entrance)
To become a member of the PhotOx Photography Society just email: Please contact David using your University/OUP email account and put PhotOx in the subject box.