The Health Communications Working Group (HCWG) has been front and centre in initiating and coordinating the health campaign messaging that encompassed testing, protective practices and health and welfare measures. The team includes members of the Clinical Advisory group, academics from the Department of Experimental Psychology, HR, college colleagues, student representation and the communications professionals in the Public Affairs Directorate and UAS communications teams.
Over the last few weeks the HCWG has been sharing health campaign products with department and college communication officers for them to use in their local health campaigns. The overriding objective has been to ensure staff/students understood the steps the University was taking for a successful return in the new academic year and were aware of the steps they personally needed to take to support this.
A snapshot of the campaign successes:
- Over 80% staff and student recall of the key five stay safe messages
- Communication of our Testing for COVID-19: Early Alert Service launch
- Promotion of policies and new guidance, including a face coverings policy, travel support, HR guidance and remote working support
- Development of a COVID-19 response site (768k visits and 84% satisfaction rates)
- Regular updates to our staff/student web pages to include the latest health guidance
- Student ‘stop the spread’ campaign
- 105 new health campaign products and 3600 campaign pack views
- The launch of the Christmas Travel testing
- 68% student open rate emails
The HCWG is now looking to next year, reviewing the Michaelmas term lessons learnt to make the campaign even more effective.