Given our experience of turning to digital tools and technology during the pandemic, it seems the right time to reflect and consider where the University should invest to improve the digital services and infrastructure that underpin teaching, research and public engagement, and that enable efficient and effective administration.
Broader considerations include how we might adopt digital technologies strategically to improve the student and staff experience and to engage globally in our education and research, as well as its dissemination. And, importantly – how to do that securely.
Digital initiatives are underway. The open forum will be an opportunity to hear more about the Digital Education Strategy and the iTransform Programme, including first reflections from the consultations this term and plans to take them forward.
The open forum is also an opportunity for you give your views and suggestions, and to have questions about the initiatives answered.
Register to attend the Digital Transformation Open Forum on 10 March
Hosted by: Professor Anne Trefethen, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (People and Digital)