Mike Glover discusses implementation of the University's Strategic Plan 2018-23

Why is it so important that the University has a Strategic Plan and what is your role?

The University draws huge strength from the diversity and independence of its colleges, departments and academic divisions. The Strategic Plan attempts to provide a broad framework of institutional priorities which can then underpin the plans of units
across the collegiate University. This should ensure that we are all working toward the same goals as one Oxford. My role is to oversee and to coordinate the implementation plan working with colleagues across the University.

How does the current five-year plan differ from previous ones?

Previous Strategic Plan documents were not always clear about what action might be taken to implement them. We were keen when developing the new plan that there would be more clarity about the actions that would be taken to implement it. We were also
clear that responsibility for implementation would be assigned to specific officers with oversight by the relevant University committee. A programme board has been set up to monitor progress on a termly basis reporting to Planning and Resource Allocation Committee (PRAC).

What was the process to determine what our priorities should be for the next five years? Who was involved?

The priorities outlined in the Strategic Plan are those which were highlighted by academic divisions and which were endorsed through a consultation process. The consultation included opportunities for all members of the University to feed in their views
through events and an online form, alongside consideration by University and college committees. Finally, the plan document was approved by Council in Trinity term 2018 and by Congregation last Michaelmas term.

What projects are under way to help us meet the Plan’s priorities?

A number of initiatives announced over the last year relate directly to the Strategic Plan. Examples include: the establishment of Parks College; the announcement of a partnership with Legal & General to deliver staff and student housing and innovation
parks; new ambitious targets for undergraduate access and participation; a new strategic research fund; creation of a staff health and wellbeing board and roll out of Focus programme training.

If anyone has an idea about how we might work better towards meeting any of our priorities who should they talk to?

Ideas are always welcomed and can be sent to strategic.plan@admin.ox.ac.uk or people can contact me directly at michael.glover@admin.ox.ac.uk.

Find out more at www.ox.ac.uk/about/organisation/strategic-plan-2018-23