Oxford staff are being offered a discounted bone density screening for £35. Bone Matters will be holding the appointments at Iffley Road Sports Centre on 31 January 2023.
During the appointment, your bone density and fracture risk will be assessed using a machine called a Quantative Ultrasound Scanner (QUS). The test measures the bone density in your heel using ultrasound waves. It is very useful in assessing your risk of fracturing your legs, arms, hips and wrists – which are common fracture sites for osteoporosis sufferers.
To book an appointment, email Tracey from Bone Matters (tracey@bonematters.org)
The complete appointment will take approximately 15 minutes. After the test is complete, your results will be printed off and explained to you. There will also be time for you to ask questions. Additionally, you will receive an information pack with evidence-based nutrition, exercise and lifestyle advice to enable you to safeguard yourself against the condition, greatly enhancing your chances of having strong and healthy bones for life.
Payment will be taken at the end of the appointment by cash or cheque.
Please note, all appointments follow COVID-19 safety guidelines so bring your mask or visor if you wish to wear one.